New Pokemon Go Update Out Now, Fixes Bugs

A new update for the popular mobile game Pokemon Go is rolling out today. Version 0.67.2 for Android and 1.37.2 for iOS will make unspecified bug fixes.

That’s all the detail that developer Niantic Labs provided in a tweet today announcing the update. We’ll update this post with more specifics if they are made available.

The biggest update ever for Pokemon Go was announced earlier this month. Some of its new features, including raid battles and new gym features, rolled out in an update a little over a week ago.

In other Pokemon Go news, Niantic recently announced a new measure that it’s taking in an effort to limit cheating. Pokemon caught using unofficial means will be denoted with a mark and “may not behave as expected,” Niantic explained. This is just “one small part of [Niantic’s] continued commitment to maintaining the integrity of our community.”

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